Nota informare destinata actionarilor

Suntem o companie de success, de aproape jumatate de secol croindu-ne un loc aparte in peisajul de business autohton. Beko Romania se numara astazi printre cele mai puternice si performante companiii din Romania.

In contextul recentei schimbari de nume a Arctic SA in Beko Romania SA, dorim sa va asiguram ca aceasta modificare nu influenteaza in niciun fel drepturile dumneavoastra existente sau numarul de actiuni pe care le detineti in cadrul companiei noastre. Aceasta decizie a fost luata pentru a reflecta mai bine viziunea si directia strategica a companiei noastre in piata globala. Va confirmam ca termenii si conditiile asociate actiunilor dumneavoastra, si orice alte drepturi legate de actiuni, raman neschimbate. De asemenea, structura de detinere a actiunilor si distributia acestora in cadrul Beko Romania SA continua sa respecte toate angajamentele anterioare. Va asiguram de o tranzitie fluida si eficienta si de dedicarea noastra in a mentine cele mai inalte standarde de transparenta si comunicare in acest proces.

Nota informare destinata actionarilor

Beko Romania S.A.  („Beko Romania”, „noi” sau „noua”) va folosi datele dvs. cu caracter personal in legatura cu calitatea dvs. de actionar sau reprezentant al acestuia.

Prezenta Nota de informare descrie modul in care societatea utilizeaza, distribuie, protejeaza si prelucreaza datele cu caracter personal pe care le poate colecta in contextul organizarii unitare a evidentei actionarilor si actiunilor societatilor comerciale pe actiuni, in legatura cu urmatoarele categorii de persoane vizate:

  • Actionarii sai, persoane fizice;
  • Reprezentantii legali ai actionarilor sai persoane juridice;
  • Imputernicitii generali sau speciali, cesionarii sau succesorii actionarilor societatii;

Tipuri de Date cu Caracter Personal Colectate

  • Date personale de identificare: nume, prenume, CNP (daca este cazul, echivalentul acestuia, potrivit legislatiei nationale aplicabile), seria si numarul actului de identitate (carte de identitate, pasaport buletin/carte de identitate pentru cetatenii români sau, dupa caz, pasaport/permis de sedere pentru cetatenii straini), locul si data nasterii, domiciliul si resedinta (pentru persoanele cu alta cetatenie decât cea româna, se precizeaza, daca este cazul, si data de la care persoana si-a stabilit resedinta In România cetatenia);
  • Detalii personale financiare: informatii legate de contul bancar; detalii privind dividendele;
  • Calitatea detinuta, In baza careia are loc prelucrarea (actionar, reprezentant legal al actionarului, Imputernicit special sau general al actionarului, succesor, cesionar, etc);
  • Opiniile, Intrebarile adresate operatorului, potrivit calitatii detinute;
  • Informatii privind actiunile si modificarile In detinerea proprietatii asupra actiunilor, (indiferent de natura juridica a transmiterii proprietatii – cesiune, succesiune si altele),
  • Detalii din actele pe baza carora se certifica inregistrarile operate si calitatea detinuta;
  • Detalii privind organizarea Adunarii Generale Ordinara/Extraordinara (detalii privind votul prin corespondenta; rapoarte si situatii financiare anuale, etc);
  • Semnatura olografa si electronica (se poate prelucra semnatura electronica extinsa incorporata conform Legii 455/2001, in cazurile in care actionarii inscrisi in Registrul Actionarilor au posibilitatea sa isi exprime si sa transmita votul cu privire la punctele aflate pe ordinea de zi ale Adunarii Generale a Actionarilor si prin corespondenta);
  • Date de contact (adresa, telefon, e-mail).

Scopurile si Temeiul Juridic pentru Prelucrarea Datelor cu Caracter

Societatea utilizeaza datele tale cu caracter personal pentru a indeplini obligatiile legale privind organizarea unitara a evidentei actionarilor si actiunilor societatilor comerciale pe actiuni, pentru urmatoarele scopuri:

  • Inregistrarea in Registrul Actionarilor, modificarea/rectificarea unor informatii cu privire la actionarii existenti; eliberare extras din Registrul Actionarilor;
  • Verificarea statutului de actionar;
  • Instrainarea valabila a actiunilor;
  • Eliberarea certificatului de actionar;
  • Calculul, inregistrarea, distribuirea si plata dividendelor conform numarului de actiuni detinute de fiecare actionar in parte, potrivit Hotararii Adunarii Ordinare a actionarilor, cu respectarea dispozitiilor  legale;
  • Convocarea si desfasurarea sedintelor Adunarii Generale a Actionarilor;
  • Expedierea procurilor speciale si/sau a buletinelor de vot si/sau a formularelor de vot prin corespondenta si/sau a buletinelor de reprezentare in cadrul Adunarilor Generale ale Actionarilor;
  • Furnizare informatii utile, mentinerea comunicarii cu actionarii;
  • Asigurarea masurilor de securitate necesare;

Indeplinirea altor obligatii legale ale companiei cum ar fi raportarile companiei, auditul si managementul riscurilor.

Cu cine partajam datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal

In scopurile indicate mai sus, este posibil sa dezvaluim datele dumneavoastră cu caracter personal altor  persoane, iar  destinatarii ar putea  fi:

  • Oficiul Registrului Comertului, Monitorul Oficial, alte autoritati ale statului;
  • Instantele judecatoresti sau altor autoritati ale puterii judecatoresti;
  • Secretariatul tehnic al sedintei AGA.
  • Furnizori de servicii, inclusiv perteneri contractuali cu care societatea a incheiat contracte in vederea platii dividendelor si expedierii corespondentei, societati bancare in vederea platii dividendelor, avocati, birouri de traduceri, alte servicii autorizate, dezvoltatori de servicii IT, administratori platforme IT / softuri utilizate pentru pastrarea evidentei actionarilor sau pentru exercitarea unor drepturi sau obligatii ale Societatii, raportate la actionariat, societati de arhivare alti destinatari imputerniciti expres de catre societate, In conformitate cu prevederile legislatiei aplicabile privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal si cu scopurile prelucrarii.
  • Auditori, consultanti sau institutii cu competente in realizarea de inspectii si controale asupra activitatii si activelor Beko Romania.

Depunem toate eforturile pentru a ne asigura ca toate entitatile cu care lucram stocheaza datele tale cu caracter personal in conditii de siguranta si securitate, limitate la informatiile cu caracter personal minime care sunt necesare pentru prestarea respectivelor servicii si fara a avea dreptul de a utiliza datele cu caracter personal in alt scop.

Transferul Internațional de Date cu Caracter Personal

Destinatarii datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal pot fi situati in tari din afara Spatiului Economic European (“SEE”), Marii Britanii (“Marea Britanie”) sau tarii dvs. de rezidenta, dupa caz, care pot avea legi care reglementeaza un nivel diferit de protectie a datelor cu caracter personal fata de legile tarii dumneavoastra de resedinta. In special, putem transfera datele dvs. cu caracter personal catre compania noastra mama din Turcia.

Ne angajam ca, in conformitate cu legile relevante privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal, sa protejam datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal care ar putea face obiectul unui transfer transfrontalier.

Inainte de a transfera datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal in afara SEE, a Marii Britanii sau a tarii dvs. de rezidenta, vom adopta garantii pentru a ne asigura ca respectivele date beneficiaza de acelasi nivel de protectie ca si cel prevazut de legile aplicabile privind protectia datelor din cadrul SEE, Marea Britanie sau tara de rezidenta, dupa caz, inclusiv clauzele contractuale standard adoptate de Comisia Europeana. Puteti obtine un exemplar al acestor clauze contactandu-ne folosind informatiile din sectiunea “Cum sa ne contactati” de mai jos.

Cat timp pastram datele dvs. cu caracter personal

Datele tale cu caracter personal vor fi prelucrate cel putin pe durata detinerii calitatii de actionar precum si ulterior, pe perioada de existenta a societatii, atata timp cat sunt necesare pentru scopul pentru care le-am retinut si anume de a respecta obligatiile pe care societatea le are fata de actionarii sai.

Documentele finanicar-contabile se vor pastra pe o perioada de maxim 10 ani, conform legislatiei in materie.

Dupa expirarea acestor perioade, datele tale vor fi anonimizate/sterse, atat timp cat nu mai sunt necesare pentru alte scopuri, in conformitate cu legile aplicabile, inclusiv in scopul indeplinirii oricaror cerinte legale, de reglementare, contabile, de raportare, de arhivare ori pentru protejarea unui drept in justitie,  pe care societatea le va putea avea.

Care sunt drepturile dumneavoastra in legatura cu datele cu caracter personal

Sub rezerva conditionarilor si limitarilor prevazute de legea aplicabila, aveti dreptul de a solicita accesarea, rectificarea sau stergerea datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal sau restrictionarea prelucrarii acestora sau de a va opune prelucrarii de catre noi a datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal.

Aveti dreptul de asemenea sa solicitati portabilitatea datelor si sa contestati anumite decizii automate pe care le-am putea adopta in ceea ce va priveste, daca respectivele decizii au efecte juridice sau consecinte de o insemnatate similara. Noi nu desfasuram in general un astfel de proces decizional automatizat dar, in cazul in care vom intreprinde acest lucru, va vom comunica clar cazurile in care sunt luate astfel de decizii.

Solicitarile in acest sens trebuie depuse in scris folosind datele de contact din sectiunea “Cum sa ne contactati” de mai jos.

Cum sa ne contactati

Daca aveti intrebari referitoare la exercitarea drepturilor, modul cum utilizam datele dvs. cu caracter personal sau cu privire la aceasta Nota de informare in general, va rugam sa completati Formularul de contact date cu caracter personal, care se regaseste de pe site-ul nostru,, sectiunea Protectia datelor personale > Formular de contact date cu caracter personal, sau direct la adresa

Autoritatile de Supraveghere

Autoritatile de Supraveghere sunt autoritati publice independente care verifica, in baza prerogativelor de investigatie si corective, modul cum se aplica legea privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal. Acestea furnizeaza consiliere de specialitate cu privire la problemele de protectia datelor si gestioneaza reclamatiile depuse impotriva incalcarilor legislatiei protectiei datelor.


Punctul de contact principal, ca regula generala, pentru intrebari privind protectia datelor, este Autoritatea de Supraveghere din tara in care societatea isi are sediul principal. Cu toate acestea, daca societatea prelucreaza date cu caracter personal in tari diferite sau este partea a unui grup de companii din diferite state, punctul de contact principal poate fi o Autoritate de Supraveghere din alt stat.


Datele de contact ale Autoritatii de Supraveghere din Romania: Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal, B-dul Magheru 28-30, Sector 1 BUCUREŞTI, Tel. +40 31 805 9211Fax +40 31 805 9602, Email:, Website:


Prezenta Nota de informare a fost actualizată in Aprilie 2024.

Prezenta Nota de informare a fost actualizata in Aprilie 2024.

Shareholders privacy notice

Beko Romania S.A. (“Beko Romania”, “we” or “the company”) will use your personal data in connection with your status as a shareholder or representative thereof.

This Privacy note describes the way how the company uses, distributes, protects and processes the personal data which it can collect in the context of the unitary organization of the record of the shareholders and of the shares of the joint stock companies, concerning the following categories of data subjects:

  • Its shareholders, natural persons;
  • The legal representatives of its shareholders;
  • The general or special proxies, the assignees or the successors of the shareholders of the company;

Types of Personal Data Collected

  • Personal identification data: surname, name, personal identification number (as the case may be, its equivalent, according to the applicable national legislation), serial and number of the identity document (identity card, passport /identity card for the Romanian citizens or, as the case may be, passport/residence permit for the foreign citizens), birth place and date, domicile and residence (for the people with another citizenship than the Romanian one, it is mentioned, as the case may be, also the date since the person established his/her residence in Romania, the citizenship);
  • Financial personal data: information concerning the bank account; details concerning the dividends;
  • Held position, based on which the processing is performed (shareholder, legal representative of the shareholder, special or general proxy of the shareholder, successor, assignee, etc.);
  • Opinions, questions asked to the processor, according to the held position;
  • Information concerning the actions and modifications in holding the ownership of the shares (irrespective of the legal nature of transferring the ownership – assignment, succession and others),
  • Details from the documents based on which are certified the performed records and the held position;
  • Details concerning the organization of the Ordinary/Extraordinary General Assembly (details concerning the postal voting; reports and yearly financial statements, etc.);
  • Handwritten and electronic signature (the extended electronic signature incorporated according to Law 455/2001 can be processed, in the cases when the shareholders registered in the Register of the Shareholders have the possibility to express and send their vote concerning the items on the agenda of the General Assembly of the Shareholders and by mail);
  • Contact data (address, telephone number, e-mail).

Purposes and Legal Basis for the Processing of Personal Data

  • The company uses your personal data to fulfil the legal obligations regarding the unitary organisation of the shareholder and shareholding records of joint stock companies for the following purposes:
  • Record in the Register of the Shareholders, modification/correction of certain information regarding existing shareholders; issue of extract from the Register of the Shareholders;
  • Verification of quality of shareholder;
  • Valid alienation of the shares;
  • Issue of the shareholder certificate;
  • Calculation, record, distribution and payment of dividends according to the number of shares held by each shareholder, according to the Decision of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shareholders, with the observance of the legal requirements;
  • Summons and performance of the meeting of the General Assembly of the Shareholders;
  • Sending of the special powers of attorney and/or of the ballots by correspondence and/or of the representation bulletins within the General Assembly of Shareholders;
  • Supply of useful information, maintaining communication with shareholders;
  • Assurance of the required safety actions;
  • Fulfilling of other legal obligations of the company such as the reports of the company, the audit and risk management.

With whom we share your personal data

For the purposes set out above, we may disclose your personal data to others, and the recipients may include:

  • The Trade Register Office, the Official Gazette, other authorities of the state;
  • The courts or other authorities of the judicial power;
  • The technical secretariat of the General Assembly of the Shareholders’ meeting.
  • Suppliers of services, including contract partners with which the company has concluded contracts in order to pay the dividends and to dispatch the correspondence, banking companies in order to pay the dividends, lawyers, translation offices, other authorised offices, IT services developers, IT platforms administrators/software used for keeping the record of the shareholders or for exercising rights or obligations of the Company, reported to the shareholders, archiving companies, other recipients expressly authorized by the company, according to the stipulations of the applicable laws concerning the personal data protection and the purposes of the processing.
  • Auditors, consultants or institutions with competences in performing inspections and controls related to the Beko Romania business and assets.

We are making every effort to ensure that all the entities with which we work store your personal data in conditions of safety and security, limited to the minimum personal information which are required to perform those services and without having the right to use the personal data for another purpose.

International Transfers of Your Personal Data

The recipients of your personal data may be located in countries outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the United Kingdom (“UK”) or your country of residence, as applicable, which may have laws governing a different level of personal data protection than the laws of your country of residence. In particular, we may transfer your personal data to our parent company in Turkey.

We are committed, in accordance with the relevant personal data protection laws, to protect your personal data that may be subject to cross-border transfer.

Before transferring your personal data outside the EEA, the UK or your country of residence, we will adopt safeguards to ensure that your personal data is afforded the same level of protection as required by the applicable data protection laws of the EEA, the UK or your country of residence, as applicable, including the standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission. You can obtain a copy of these clauses by contacting us using the information in the “How to contact us” section below.

How long will we keep your data?

Your personal data will be processed at least during the holding of the position of shareholder as well as subsequently, during the period of existence of the company, as long as they are necessary for the purpose for which we have held them namely to observe the obligations the company has to its shareholders.

The financial and accounting documents will be kept for a period of maximum 10 years, according to the relevant legislation.

After the expiry of this period, your data will be anonymized/cancelled, as long as they are not required for other purposes, according to the applicable laws, including for the purpose of fulfilling any legal requirements, of regulation, accounting, reporting, archiving or for the protection of a right in the justice, which Beko Romania might have.

What are your rights relating to your personal data?

You have the following rights with respect to your personal data that we process, subject to conditions set out in the applicable laws:

  • to request access to your personal data (commonly known as a “subject access request”) and to certain additional information about our processing of your personal data that this privacy notice is designed to address,
  • to request the correction of any inaccurate or incomplete personal data,
  • to request the erasure of your personal data or the restriction of the processing of your personal data;
  • to object to our processing of your personal data;
  • to withdraw any consent you have given;
  • under certain circumstances to demand data portability;
  • to lodge a complaint with the applicable data protection supervisory authority, and
  • to contest certain automated decisions we make about you that have legal or otherwise similarly significant consequences. We do not typically carry out such automated decision-making but, if we do, we will make it clear where such decisions are being made.

To exercise your rights, please contact us using the contact details listed in ‘How to contact us’.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about how we use your personal data or this privacy notice in general, please contact us using our Contact form – Data Privacy, you can find on our website,, in the section Protectia datelor personale > Formular de contact date cu caracter personal, or direcly at

Supervisory Authorities

Supervisory Authorities are independent public authorities that supervise, through investigative and corrective powers, the application of the data protection law. They provide expert advice on data protection issues and handle complaints lodged against violations of the applicable data protection legislation.

Generally speaking, the main contact point for questions on data protection is the Supervisory Authority in the country where company/organization in question is based. However, if that company/organization processes data in different countries or is part of a group of companies established in different countries, that main contact point may be a Supervisory Authority in another country.

Contact details of the Romanian Supervisory Authority: The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing, B-dul Magheru 28-30, Sector 1 BUCUREŞTI, Tel. +40 31 805 9211, Fax +40 31 805 9602, Email: , Website:

For other EEA (European Economic Area) countries find contact details of their respective National Supervisory Authority at this link .

This Privacy Notice was updated in Aprilie 2024.